I’ve been kindly invited to try the new couple app Desire by its developers for Valentine’s Day, as a fun and tech-savvy way to spice up in the bedroom. It’s already been downloaded by more than half milion couples and it has won the FbStart Accelerating Program from Facebook so I told myself: why not?

I downloaded it into my old-ish Android phone and I was relieved to see the app icon was very discreet, sort of an image of two people in a bath tub in beautiful bright yellow and soft orange. Nothing that screams “erotic game for couples” luckily!
Once opened the app, I was pleased to see a beautiful interface with the same pretty colors of the icon. I was invited to register for a new account: the registering form asks me name, sex and email of both me and my partner and to create a password for both. I love the idea of the shared password: it’s what I did for so long time with my partner that lives in another city with shared blogs, and it creates a sense of intimacy in our opinion.
I filled the registering form and after few minutes I got a verification email from Desire with the sweet phrase, ” We wish you and your boy a lot of love!” How cute!
Then, I could start play around with the app. On the main screen I see both my avatar and my partner’s, score and a menu of available actions: “dare your partner” or “your partner dares you“.

I quickly realize I get points for each dare I complete and the higher score I achieve the steamiest level of dares I unlock: from Mild that’s the default, I can upgrade to Spicy, Hot and Chili.
When I click on “dare your partner” I have three options: Category, Communityand Write It!
Category brings me in a menu with colorful icons where I can browse different categories of dares: Roleplay and Fantasy, Outdoor, Risk of being Watched, At the office and even Pokehot Go. Exactly what I was hoping!
All the dares seem to be written to be gender neutral, so I think LGBTQ couples too will have lots of fun with this app!
Write It! allows you to write your own dare to send your partner and to choose how many points to give him to complete it, from 5 to 50, and how much time he has from hours to a month.
Community allows you to submit your own dares for all the users of Desire to try. You can manage your community account in the app’s settings.
There is also a “send eLove” feature that allows you to send a steamy sext to your lover only by shaking your phone: you can choose a pre-made eLove in the categories Love, Hot or Compliment. Last but not least, Desire offers secure and encrypted messaging only between the two of you.

The app only takes 18,19 MB on my phone that I don’t think is too much: sorry I haven’t all this technology knowledge, but if I compare with Instagram app that needs 43,56MB or the 37,00MB of Gmail, it’s not a great deal. I have Android 4.2 and had a nice and fluid experience with it too.
Overall, Desire is a fun and entertaining ice breaker that brings sexting to a new level and guarantees hours of sexy fun. If you fancy trying it for yourself, here are the download links for iOS and Android.
Desire is a free service and I haven't been compensated in any way for writing this post. Unaffiliated review.