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Writer's pictureMiss Doll

Only one Dodil makes many dildos: my review

dodil dildo sex toy

As my readers well know, I'm an #ageplayer: I must say I'm not the classic 'coloring books and Disney movies' kind of babygirl, as my lifestyle in the dynamic is based more on the caring, reassuring kind of relationship with my Daddy than on actual child-like behaviors.

That said, the little side of me is incredibly drawn to coloured, funny-shaped sex toys. Perhaps it's one of the reasons why I have chosen to become an adult toy reviewer: I find myself longing for girly pink dildos, vibrators in unusual shapes and fancy ben wa balls exactly as I did for Barbie dolls when I was 7.

So, my inner babygirl was very attracted to the Dodil, a sort of 'playdough for sex' as the social media manager for the feminist porn site cleverly commented on my Twitter.

And the best part is that Richard, the founder of the Sweden company that today ships Dodils in over 30 countries worldwide, agreed to send me a sample to review!

The Dodil arrived in a plain press samples' box: since the case of the dildo is a thermos meant to make it moldable in boiling water, the waybill reported 'kitchen appliance'. Very clever alternative to the usual 'massager' wording: good job, Dodil!

The parcel contained the thermos in a beautiful, trendy teal colour, wrapped in a plastic bag for protection. Inside the vacuum flask I found the Dodil itself, in the same gorgeous teal colour and protected by a layer of bubble wrap; an instructional booklet and a bright orange string that, as I could learn from the instructional page of the brand's website, is meant to create ripples and bulges.

The only downside I found while unpacking is the weight of the thermos: I think it's a little too heavy to put in my suitcase while travelling to my partner's city.

However, the instructions for use say that you can also heat the Dodil by letting it simmer in a pan at low temperature, without using the vacuum flask. Still, I think a more lightweight version of this accessory would be a great improvement of the product, at least for users who are always on the go as I am.

My first experiment with the Dodil

My first try to reshape the Dodil has been a 'quickie': since I didn't have the time to let it bathe in hot water for the 30 minutes required to make it fully moldable, I followed the instructions to make only the 50% of the sex toy soft and pliable. This requires only 15 minutes of immersion in hot water.

Also, note that the water I used wasn't really at the boiling point: I made the mistake to take it out from the microwave a little too early. Then I poured it into the thermos, and I put the dildo to soak in that hot bath.

dodil dildo sex toy

According to the instructions for use, I left the side with the logo pointed upwards: in this way the non-moldable base, that feels to the touch like a more rigid handle, stays out from hot water.

When I took the Dodil out from the hot thermos, its external part had the same texture as playdough, while the interior was still quite rigid.

I tied the dildo with the orange string, as a butcher would do with Italian salami: I got a nice rippled texture, but I obviously couldn't get a complete makeover or a drastic change in its shape.

I have not been able to curve my dildo because the internal part was still too rigid to allow me to do so.

Getting the perfect G-spot curve

When I finally had enough time to make my Dodil fully malleable with a 30 minutes hot bath, my main goal was to curve it for better G-spot stimulation.

The main benefit of owning a moldable, reshapeable dildo in my opinion is that, since vaginas are not all the same, you get the opportunity to play around until you find the form that better fits your anatomy. All without investing in a dozen sex toys!

That's exactly what I was planning to do to get the most out of my experience with the Dodil!

dodil dildo sex toy

This time the smooth, even silicone surface of the dildo completely turned into a pliable teal dough in my hands: I could have fun stretching it to make the end look longer, or curved, or in any other shape.

Creating a curve for G-spot stimulation was not only as easy as a children's game, but very fun too: I must admit that between browsing the various shapes of dildos and vibrators at a sex shop, and getting to mold your own exactly as you like, there's a big difference!

At the date of today, I have reheated the Dodil a fair amount of times, playing around mostly with its curvature, and I can definitely say that different shapes provide a different stimulation of my internal genitals. One thing is sure: the experience with this innovative sex toy made me learn a lot about my own body!

dodil dildo sex toy

Ripples and bulges

Another thing I wanted to try with my Dodil was molding it into a rippled texture that I hoped would stimulate my vaginal walls. The orange string has been included in the kit to allow the user to create ripples and bulges by tying the dildo as if it was a sausage (sorry if I keep using food metaphors in this review! 😉).

dodil dildo sex toy

However, using this piece of rat tail cord on my Dodil wasn't as easy as expected: the stretchy silicone, unless you curve it in a pronounced way, tends to return to its original shape.

Luckily the instructions on Dodil's official website were very useful: I read you can set with cool water the part of the dildo you have already finished to shape, while the other sections stay moldable.

dodil dildo sex toy

Also, a detailed image on the page shows how to create ripples with your hands if you just can't make the cord work for you: this way, I got a less precise job, but the same texture.

Eventually, the vaginal stimulation I could enjoy thanks to the different shape was really worth all the molding work!

Cooling down

Soon, I learnt that after 10 minutes of handling the pleasantly warm Dodil in my hands, it usually starts to become less malleable: this means it's starting to set into the just created design.

This typical 10 minutes time span has been more than enough for me to play around or to change the toy's shape: still, if you feel that you may need more time to perfect your sexy sculpture, the instructions for use advise to reheat the dildo again for 2-3 minutes.

Another tip from the instructional booklet that came in handy is that by rinsing the dildo for 1-2 minutes under cold water, you immediately set that perfect design you just molded with your own hands!

dodil dildo sex toy

After a good hour after heating, when not rinsed with cold water, my Dodil was still warm, ready for some temperature play. An added stimulating bonus in my opinion!

Love for the Earth

The Dodil isn't only completely adaptable to your own anatomy and incredibly fun to reshape every time you want, it is also eco-friendly: I learn from the company's website that while the outer part of the toy is made from body-safe, non-porous and non-artificially-smoothened silicone, the thermoplastic internal core that lets the molding and reshaping magic happen, is made from Polycaprolactone, a completely bio-degradable bioplastic material.

In Summary

The Dodil is a perfect example of how much sex tech has achieved in the last 20 years or so: it is perfectly adaptable to the individual shape of your body. If you have ever bought a beautifully designed vibrator only to discover it was not going to fit your own anatomy, you can understand the value of this.

Secondly, seeing it become like playdough in your hands and having endless possibilities of personalizing it as you like, it's a very fun experience you can repeat again and again, potentially hundreds of times.

And the warm feeling of the dildo, that lasts a lot of time after heating, is pleasant and stimulating.

The only thing I would change in the whole kit, if possible, is that I would include a more compact and lightweight version of the thermos.

dodil dildo sex toys

Overall I'm very happy with my experience of the Dodil and I will repeat it: if you would like to try it for yourself, at the company's official online store you can find the full moldable dildo kit for 100$ (thermos and string included), or just the dildo and cord for 75$.

I would also recommend to check out the sales page, where Dodil sells at a lower price dildos that have been already reheated to undergo a quality control, or whose logo on the handle is a little misplaced. I think this is a great idea to make body-safe, high quality adult products accessible to everyone!

Unaffiliated, unsponsored review. I got the Dodil free of charge in exchange for my honest, unbiased feedback: this does not affect my opinions about the product.


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