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'Does masturbation cause hair loss/pimples/blindness?' Sexual myths in 2018

Writer's picture: Miss DollMiss Doll

I just came across a wonderful SEO app, along with many other awesome free functions, it offers the option of browsing through the most common questions that users ask to the expert Dr. Google about a topic of your choice.

I obviously was overwhelmed by the curiosity of knowing which questions were the most asked about sex, and I hit 'search'. But then, the results were, well, embarrassing. I was surprised to find out that masturbation is still one of the top taboo topics in 2018.

google does masturbation cause pimples
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From 'Does masturbation cause hair loss/acne/blindness?' to 'How much masturbation is too much?', until 'Is masturbation bad for exercise?', my curiosity soon turned in anger. Why do we still think that such a natural sexual act is dirty or even dangerous?

I think as a sex blogger it's my duty to educate my readers correctly about human sexuality: I hope soon, when people submit such guilty questions to the huge authority of Google, will find out my site where at least they find correct informations written with a positive, inclusive and non-shaming attitude.

Not only masturbation does not harm your body at all, but it is good for you too, and it can boost your libido and your ability to achieve an orgasm during intercourse with your partner.

Sex has many health benefits whether you do it with a romantic partner, with a vibrator or with your own hand: it is good for your heart exactly like other kinds of aerobic exercise are, and it actually makes you burn on average 100 calories per session.

Then, knowing your vagina/penis better brings many advantages when it comes to intimacy with your lover. For men, this may mean having better control over your ejaculation: if you want to last more in the bedroom, training yourself is the way to go and the adult product industry offers today many sex toys specifically designed for this purpose.

masturbation is good for you
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For women, knowing better your genital area may make the difference between mind blowing orgasms, and pleasure-less duty sex: most of us can't get the peak of their pleasure from vaginal intercourse alone, and the only answer to this common issue is learning how to properly stimulate your clitoris and your G-spot. Your boyfriend, no matter how much he's in love with you, can't guess how you like and dislike to be stimulated: getting yourself in touch (literally!) with your vaginal/vulvar area is a great way to figure it out. Then you can let him know when you make love!

You know, sex (including masturbation) is like cherries: the more you do it, the more you want it. So believing that if you masturbate you won't anymore want sex with your partner is completely wrong and misleading.

Pornography too isn't harmful to couples: I can agree that mainstream NSFW videos are often misogynistic or unrealistic, but saying that they may actually harm a relationship is definitely too much. Watching sex acts on the screen is a natural instinct of everyone and has nothing to do with cheating!

couples masturbation is good for you!
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A new wave of ethical porn made specifically for couples to watch together has born in the last years: if you may be interested in bringing a little fantasy in your love life, I recommend that you check out my reviews of ethical, feminist adult movies: you'll find something to spice up that boring evening zapping on the sofa!

I can understand that sexual taboos are so profoundly entrenched in our society that they still play a role in what we ask Google about masturbation in 2018. But I will do everything in my power to help destroy myths and false believes and to help my readers build more fulfilling, shame-free sex lives.

masturbation monday sex blogging meme

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