My #SoSS post for today once again focuses on sexual wellness and issues related to sex drive because the last time I compiled a blog post list about this delicate topic I missed some important and well-written articles, and I am going to spread the word about them now!
There's a talented feminist UK blogger, The Desire Girl, whose work is all focused in making women with a low libido feel like they're not alone: I love the positive sense of community that I can definitely feel while browsing her website. I found particularly useful and informative this post about how to reconnect with your body and feel sexy again:
Then, there's another issue I would like to address: when it comes to our sexual well-being, as women we feel too often "ignored" by our health professionals, or not taken seriously.
This is such a personal and intimate post that I don't feel like commenting any more, but if the talented author Sensual Delight is reading this: lovely, I feel you.
I have had bad PMS symptoms with anxiety and mood swings since I'm too young to understand. As a pre-teen I was just considered a capricious brat, then, when I reached the age of going to the gyno on my own, all I got is a contraceptive pill that saves me the money I would spend on condoms, but didn't do nothing for my symptoms.
Reading this post made me feel not alone. Sensual Delights: Lost 1x Sex Drive. If found please return to the Owner.
But not only women can struggle with sexual welless issues. The other very personal, honest and contemplative post I want to share with you today is by The Zen Nudist whose blog I got to know via the meme #FoodForThoughtFriday.
This is the power of bloggers in my opinion: sharing our personal experience to the world we play an active role in destroying stereotypes, because in the first place we make the readers feel no more alone in their struggling. Secondly, by talking openly and honestly, we give them the courage of getting loud themselves about those "taboo" topics, showing that reality can be totally different from what society imposes to think.
Read the post here: The Zen Nudist: Sex and Depression.
Last but not least, here I'm going to share a post from a couple's perspective: here Brigit Delaney shares hers and her husband's experience about how routine and responsabilities can get in the way of a healthy, fulfilling sex life:
I must say I absolutely LOVE her writing style!
Here's another #SoSS round up filled with important topics and meaningful musings from the best sex bloggers out there. Hope you enjoy!