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The benefits of caffeine for your sex life

Updated: Apr 6, 2018

Health-savvy people and doctors know well that caffeine has an effect on your blood flow: that’s why coffee in moderation is healthy and good for your heart and cardiovascular system. I suppose the ideal amount of caffeine you should ingest per day is WAY lower than the one I swallow during a long day at work and an evening writing reviews and updating my blog, but it is still healthy for my heart, isn’t it?

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But being a vasodilator also means caffeine has great benefits for your sex life: we already said in a post about the three best herbal teas for your libido that everything promoting blood flow in your intimate areas is good for your libido. That’s why many renowned lube and sexual essential manufacturers created formulas with caffeine with a stimulating and arousing effect on both penis and clitoris.

I recently saw at Lubezilla shop this Passion Natural Caffeinated Energy Lubricant and my sex-nerd side immediately felt intrigued about it: if coffee boosts my energy in everyday life, why shouldn’t it have an energizing effect on my libido and sensitivity down there? Passion Lubricants is a label from XR Brands.

Pjur Espresso, from the renowned sexual wellness brand based in Luxembourg, is “powered with caffeine” too: this means it has a stimulating effect, amplifies every sensation. I’ve not tried it yet, but I’m very curious and I think I will soon! The slogan makes me smile because at the very moment I’m writing this, I’m powered with caffeine too!

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But coffee isn’t the only source of caffeine we can get. Another plant that contains just the right amount of caffeine to feel energized without side effects like anxiety and insomnia, is Guarana: also, it has been used as an aphrodisiac for centuries. Taurin too can be particularly helpful for men needing a little boost for their erection. These are the active ingredients of Ero by Hot Taurin&Guarana Energy Drops for men and women: I think it’s best to try natural remedies before heading to Viagra, but I always recommend to talk with your doctor before taking any herbal supplement. I absolutely trust the Austrian brand Hot so I would recommend these drops to anyone whose low libido is caused by stress or tiredness.

Also, in my personal experience, when I feel tired and overwhelmed by work and responsabilities I’m less inclined to think about sex (and to act accordingly, of course): so I think who says a nice cup of coffee is an aphrodisiac is right from a certain point of view: it gives you the energy you need for your work, family and even for your sex life. I absolutely love a good espresso in the morning and, during my PMS when I suffer from mood swing and insomnia, it is very difficult to substitute it with other drinks!

Disclaimer: Unaffiliated post. I have not been paid to advertise any of the companies or products mentioned above and I don't have any relationship with them. The opinions expressed in this post are my own.

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1 comentário

Miss Doll
Miss Doll
08 de mar. de 2018

Hi Rebel,

You' re right wine works wonders for many! I don't drink it often although...perhaps twice a year in very special occasions (weddings, Christmas, and similar).

Coffee perhaps is best as a stimulating ingredient in sex essentials!

Miss Doll xo

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