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  • Writer's pictureMiss Doll

#WickedWednesday: That Saturday evening

Updated: Apr 6, 2018

Saturday evening: what a great time to chill out with friends. Sarah hurried to put her lipstick on, to try taming her rebellious chestnut curls and to slip into her favorite summery dress and high heels.

Since she moved in Seattle everything was perfect: her comfy and sun-kissed flat, her job at a fashion retailer and the fun evenings with her coworkers. Only, she seemed not able to find love: no man seemed to be a perfect match for her and the last short story with a local pizza delivery guy only ended in disappointment.

But on that beautiful summer night, Sarah just wanted to have fun. She locked the door and rushed downstairs, to the lounge bar near home with the best intentions to enjoy her time.

Jessica, her coworker and bestie, was gorgeous that evening. Not that she wasn’t beautiful every day, even in their fashion store’s work uniform. But that evening, she was at her best: high stilettos with a little black dress that was so tight it highlighted every single curve of her perfect body.

Sarah sat next to her best friend, ordering two Margaritas. But Jessica looked a little strange that evening…

…well, maybe not strange, but…different. She was just not behaving in her usual way.

Instead at laughing at silly things like she used to do at work, she kept on caressing her own thighs with all the nonchalance she was able to fake, she looked Sarah straight into the eyes and she had all the appearance of someone who wanted to flirt with her instead of doing the usual good chat between friends.

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Photo concessed with a CC0 Creative Commons License

“Or maybe”, Sarah was thinking, “it’s only the Margarita taking effect on my mind”.

But when the alcohol started to make her braver, Sarah decided to catch the ball. She had always liked Jessica after all. She started to make her subtly understand she was available to bring the flirting game further…

And she ended up on Jessica’s car, headed to her best friend’s flat. She had never done this thing before: to be honest, she had never imagined she would have a romantic encounter with a woman at some point in her life.

But that was the better sex Sarah could remember. They had a long passionate bath, both naked in a Jacuzzi filled with water and rose petals, then Jessica, with a sublime touch, massaged all her sensitive body with a scented oil.

Sarah will never forget that sharp sensation of her bestie’s tongue on her clitoris. This is not a thing sex with a man can deliver. Her body seemed to be on fire…until shattering in million pieces under waves and waves of pleasure: a pleasure she had never known before.

The morning after, at work, Jessica was trying to act like she didn’t remember what had happened the night before. But Sarah, with a new confidence she gained on that silly evening out flirting with her female coworker, had no intention of giving up on her…

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This post is part of the Wicked Wednesday meme kindly hosted by Marie Rebelle. See the official page of her initiative here. Thanks!

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